- Home
- Energy networks
explained - Our work programmes
- Information for industry partners
- Information for customers
- Care and assisted living providers
- Compensation for power cuts
- Getting extra help and support
- How to prepare for storms and bad weather
- What are electromagnetic fields?
- What happens during an energy shortage?
- What to do during a power cut
- Who’s my network operator?
- Wayleaves
- Commitment to public safety
- Careers in
energy - About ENA
- Publications
- G99 Form B3
- G99 Form C2.1
- G99 Form C2.2
- G99 Form C3
- G99 Form D1
- Angler Safety and Risk Assessment (30 m Angling Exclusion Zone)
- Angling Guidance Sheet
- Angler Safety and Risk Assessment (overhead power lines)
- Fish Safe A5 Flyer
- Fish Safe Sticker
- Angling Guidance for Anglers
- Angling Guidance for Management
- Angling Guidance for Planning Authorities
- Look Out, Look Up! Campaign Toolkit 2018
- Farmers & Agricultural Contractors Safety Advice
- Mechanical Plant Safety Advice
- Electricity Around Your Home Public Safety Leaflet
- Emergency Services Public Safety Leaflet
- General Trade and Maintenance Public Safety Leaflet
- Leisure Activities Public Safety Leaflet
- Look Out, Look Up! Public Safety Leaflet
- Watch Out, Cables About! Public Safety Leaflet
- Electric and Magnetic Fields Facts
- Electric and Magnetic Fields Information
- Electric and Magnetic Fields Networks Training
- Phasing of UK Overhead Power Lines Report
- Industry Health Outcomes National Survey
- Control of Electromagnetic Fields at Work Regulations 2016 (Risk Assessment)
- OHAG Guidance Note 1.1 Occupational Health in the Electricity Industry
- OHAG Guidance Note 1.2 Role of Occupational Health in Sickness Absence Management
- OHAG Guidance Note 1.3 Equality Act
- OHAG Guidance Note 1.4 Workplace rehabilitation
- OHAG Guidance Note 1.5 Automated External Defibrillators
- OHAG Guidance Note 1.6 Health surveillance
- OHAG Guidance Note 2.1 Stress
- OHAG Guidance Note 2.2 Management of back pain in the Electricity Industry
- OHAG Guidance Note 3.1 Working in Adverse thermal Environments
- OHAG Guidance Note 3.2 Working in confined spaces
- OHAG Guidance Note 3.3 Night work
- OHAG Guidance Note 3.4 Fitness to work at Heights
- OHAG Guidance Note 3.5 Fitness for Wind Turbine Working - web site
- OHAG Guidance Note 4.1 Noise and Vibration
- OHAG Guidance Note 4.2 Upper Limb Disorders
- OHAG Guidance Note 4.3 Biomass
- OHAG Guidance Note 4.4 Call Centre Working
- OHAG Guidance Note 4.5 Asthma in the Electricity Industry
- EMF - Design and Management of Low Voltage Distribution Networks Guidance (EREC G92)
- G98 Distributed Generation Connection Guide (Multiple Premises)
- G98 Distributed Generation Connection Guide (Single Premises)
- G98 Connecting Domestic-Scale Type Tested Generation Summary Guide (Single Premises)
- G99 Connecting Type A Power Generating Modules Guide
- G99 Connecting Type B - D Power Generating Modules Guide
- G99 Type A summary
- G99 Types B-D summary
- Energy Delivery Systems Cyber Security Procurement Guidance
- Smart Meters - Electricity Network Operator Configurations (EREC M30)
- Smart Meters - How to Report Gas Asset Condition Issues (GER1)
- Smart Meters - How to Report Common Gas Issues (GER2)
- Smart Meters - Top 5 Gas Smart Meter Interventions (GER4)
- Smart Meters - Correct Reporting of Exposed PE Pipe (GER5)
- ON18-WS3-FW Open Networks Models User Guide
- SAGE First Interim Assessment Guide
- Ecological and Archaeological Management Best Practice Guide
- Steel Lattice Tower Refurbishment Good Practice Guide
- ENA and Environment Agency Partnership Agreement
- Health and Wellbeing Framework
- Cut-Out Rating Guidance to Electric Vehicles or Heat Pumps Installers
- Low Carbon Technologies User Guidance for Heat Pump Database Submission
- Switchgear Assessment Panel Notice of Conformity List
- Protection Assessment Panel Notice of Conformity List
- Electricity Supply Emergency Code
- Electric Vehicle Charge Points and Heat Pumps Combined Installation Process Flow Chart
- Accelerated Loss of Mains Change Programme Assessment Flow Chart
- ON18-WS3-FW DSO Future Worlds - Least Regrets Tables
- ON19-WS1B-P4 Enhanced Schedule 11
- ON19-WS1B-P4 Schedule 5 Enhanced Node Data
- Low Carbon Technologies Heat Pump and Electric Vehicle Network Operator Contacts
- ON17-WS2 Customer Information Requirements
- ON17-WS2-P3 Customer Journey (New or Modified Connections)
- ON17-WS2-P3 Customer Journey (Post-connection)
- ON18-WS2-P1 Pre Application Good Practice
- ON19-PRJ-PID PID Consultation Summary and Actions
- ON20-WS1A-P5 DSO Revenue Stacking
- ON20-WS2-P2 Contracted Connections Queue Management Consultation Document
- ON19-WS3-P5 Introductory Slides - Innovation Trials Mapping
- ON18-WS1A Flexibility Commitment 2018
- ON19-WS1A Open Networks Flexibility Commitment - Steps for Delivering Flexibility Services 2019
- ALoMCP Public Issues Log
- ALoMCP General FAQs
- ALoMCP Contractual Terms and Conditions
- ALoMCP Delivery Assurance Policy
- ALoMCP Payment Process Specification
- ALoMCP Technical FAQs
- ALoMCP Protection Support Organisations
- ON21-WS3-P1 DSO Implementation Plan Appendices - detailing DSO functions (31 Mar 2021)
- ON19-WS3-FW Final Future World results
- ON19-WS3-FW Final Future World results - Sensitivity
- ON19-WS3 Impact Assessment on Future DSO Worlds (Benefits)
- ON19-WS3-FW DSO Transition - Integrated World Costs
- ON19-WS3 Impact Assessment on Future DSO Worlds (Costs)
- Smart Meters - Benefits for Demand Response Based Control of Distribution Networks
- Smart Meters - Data Aggregation Benefits Reduction
- Smart Meters - Data Aggregation Executive Summary
- Smart Meters - Data Aggregation Assessment Final Report
- Smart Meters - Functional Requirements for Electricity Smart Meters
- Smart Meters - High Level Cost Benefit Analysis Summary
- Smart Meters - High Level Cost Benefit Analysis
- Smart Meters - High Level Data Traffic Analysis
- Smart Meters - Consumer Attitudes to Half Hourly Consumption Data
- Smart Meters - Opportunities for Demand Response
- Smart Meters - Strategic Issues and Action Planning for Demand Response
- Smart Meters - Privacy Impact Assessment of Networks Using Smart Meter Data
- Smart Meters - Security and Privacy Control Points
- Smart Meters - System Use Cases
- Trading of Non-firm DG Curtailment Obligations & Exchange of Access Rights Report
- ON17-PRJ 2017 End of Year Report
- ON17-WS1-P7 Statement of Works Customer Journey
- ON17-WS1-P7 Statement of Works Data Template
- ON17-WS2 Customer Category Descriptions
- ON17-WS2 Information on Distribution Connection Options
- ON18-PRJ 2018 End of Year Report
- ON18-PRJ 2018 End of Year Report Summary
- ON18-PRJ 2018 Project Initiation Document (Post-Consultation)
- ON18-WS1-P11 Flexible Resources Connection Guide
- ON18-WS1-P7 ANM Curtailment Process and Good Practice Guide
- ON18-WS2-P1 Good Practice ahead of Connection Applications
- ON18-WS2-P4 Good Practice for information provision on Flexibility Services
- ON18-WS2-P6 Guidance on post-connection changes
- ON18-WS3 DSO Transition Pathway - Least Regrets Analysis 2019 PID Input
- ON18-WS3 Modelling DSO transition using the Smart Grid Architecture Model
- ON18-WS3-P2 DSO Functional & System requirements (SGAM Modelling)
- ON19-PRJ Open Networks 2019 End of Year Report
- ON19-PRJ 2019 Project Initiation Document (Post-Consultation)
- ON19-PRJ Open Letter to Ofgem & BEIS
- ON19-WS1A-P1 Flexibility Market Principles
- ON19-WS1A-P3 Flexibility Services - Dispatch and Settlement Processes
- ON20-WS1A-P5 Conflict Management & Cooptimisation DSO Services - Final Report
- ON19-WS1B-P4 Proposals for Implementation of Exchange of Network Planning Data (planning timescales)
- ON19-WS1B-P4 Exchange of Network Planning Data (planning timescales) Data Scope - Final Report
- ON19-WS3 DSO Transition Future Worlds Impact Assessment Report
- ON19-WS3 DSO Transition - Future World Impact Assessment Report (independent assessment)
- ON19-WS4 Whole Energy Systems 2019 activity - Final Report
- ON20-PRJ Open Networks 2020 PID Consultation Detailed Comments and Responses
- ON20-PRJ Open Networks 2020 Workplan Consultation Summary
- ON20-PRJ 2020 Project Initiation Document (Post-Consultation)
- ON20-WS1B-P5 Network Capacity Indications Survey - Final Report
- ON19-WS3-P5 DSO Transition Mapping - Innovation Trials Final Report
- ON20-WS4-P3 Gas input to Whole System FES Phase 1 Report
- ON20-WS4-P6 Data for Capacity Mapping
- Public Safety Annual Review 2019
- SAGE First Interim Assessment Precautionary Approaches to ELF EMFs
- Health and Safety Issues Eurelectric Report 2014
- Health & Wellbeing Framework Position Paper 2017
- Smart Meters - System Requirements Update
- Smart Meters - Data Traffic Analysis
- Gas and Electricity Network Innovation Strategy 2020 (Summary)
- Electricity Network Innovation Strategy 2020
- Gas Network Innovation Strategy 2020
- Electricity Network Innovation Strategy 2018
- Gas Network Innovation Strategy 2018 (Summary)
- Gas Network Innovation Strategy 2018
- Networks Innovation Strategies 2020 Stakeholder Engagement (Survey)
- Networks Innovation Strategies 2020 Stakeholder Engagement (Workshop)
- ENA Public Safety Commitment 2020-2022
- Powering Improvement Industry Strategy 2020-2025
- Network Hydrogen 2020 Project Updates (Mar)
- Network Hydrogen 2020 Project Updates (Apr)
- Network Hydrogen 2020 Project Updates (Jul)
- Network Operator Common Network Asset Indices Methodology
- Common Network Asset Indices Methodology Proposed Modifications for RIIO-ED2
- Proposed CNAIM Methodology Changes Explained
- SHE 2019 Presentation Conference Keynote
- SHE 2019 Presentation Human Factors – Company view
- SHE 2019 Presentation Human Factors – Trade Union view
- SHE 2019 Presentation Training & Skills
- SHE 2019 Presentation Safety Culture & Behaviours
- SHE 2019 Presentation Environmental Management
- SHE 2019 Presentation Caithness-Moray Project
- SHE 2019 Presentation Public Safety – Organisational Response
- SHE 2019 Presentation Occupational Health – Good Business Sense
- SHE 2019 Presentation Balfour Beatty Transmission & Distribution Project
- SHE 2019 Presentation DSO & Innovation
- SHE 2019 Presentation DSO & Innovation 2
- Guide to the SAGE First Interim Assessment
- Control of Electromagnetic Fields at Work Regulations 2016
- Electric and Magnetic Fields (EMFs) website
- New Exposure Limits Training Video for Electric and Magnetic Fields (EMFs)
- Grid Supply Point Technical Limits for accelerated non-firm connections
- ENA ON - Revenue Stacking Assessment (Aug 2024)
- Managing the effects of surplus residual charges ENA final for Ofgem
- Standing charges domestic retail options
- ENA flexibility market asset registration consultation response
- Joint statement on violence harassment and abuse
- ENA response consultation on proposed reforms to the national planning policy framework and other changes to the planning system
- ENA Response to RESP Policy Framework Consultation 08.10.24
- ENA Cover Letter to RESP Policy Framework Consultation Response 08.10.24
- Databases
- Events
- Newsroom
- Energy networks respond to Ofgem's proposals on local electricity networks
- Energy networks welcome CBI and University of Birmingham's report on clean heat
- Energy networks comment on Prime Minister's green investment announcement
- Opportunities for young people in the energy networks
- Networks respond to Ofgem’s proposed settlements for RIIO-2
- Energy networks comment on Chancellor's economic statement
- Energy networks comment ahead of Chancellor's summer statement
- Realising the network of the future: DSO Implementation Plan launched
- Energy networks comment on Prime Minister's speech
- Energy networks comment ahead of Prime Minister's infrastructure speech
- Opportunities to get involved with ENA's Open Networks Project
- Energy Networks Association response to Committee on Climate Change's Progress Report
- Energy networks welcomes government support for ultra low emission vehicles
- Energy networks urge construction workers to ‘watch out, cables about’
- Public ‘left behind’ in green energy discussion, warns university report
- Continuing to work safely during COVID-19
- Option to defer payments of more than £350m to help protect energy customers
- Networks of support this Mental Health Awareness Week
- Energy networks respond to rapid charging vision
- Energy Networks Association comments on the availability of coronavirus testing for key workers
- Energy companies and Citizens Advice remind the public to be safe on the doorstep
- Energy networks launch COVID-19 public information campaign
- Market changing standard contract for flexibility delivered
- Electricity and gas network innovation strategies
- Energy networks respond to Coronavirus concerns shared online
- New energy network innovation strategies set the pathway to Net Zero
- Energy networks outlines commitments to keeping customers and colleagues safe
- Energy networks reminds customers of safety advice
- Energy networks write open letter to customers
- Measures to support vulnerable people through COVID-19
- How the UK’s energy networks are preparing for COVID-19
- Energy networks respond to Budget 2020
- ENA responds to Energy Systems Catapult report
- International Women’s Day 2020
- Powering Britain’s EVs to our Net Zero future
- Amid frosty mornings and wet weekends, the Earth had its hottest January on record
- ENA responds to UK government's £90 million drive to reduce carbon emissions
- Citizens’ assembly in place to drive the UK’s Net Zero agenda
- Energy networks get ready for Storm Dennis
- Safety information
- ENA responds to reports petrol and diesel car sales ban could start in 12 years
- Storm Ciara update
- Open Networks fact sheets
- Energy Networks Association Manifesto 2019
- Energy networks prepare for Storm Ciara
- Secure, affordable, low carbon: Gas in our future energy system (2018)
- Electricity network companies harness power of data to drive customer improvements
- ENA responds to National Audit Office report
- Open Networks focus on promoting market opportunities and confidence
- The role of cities, regions and towns in achieving net zero
- Putting communities at the heart of the energy system
- The cost of geographic fragmentation of energy networks (2019)
- Matt Copeland: A fair energy future for all
- 7 million milestone reached as public urged to be winter ready
- Energy network companies launch bold manifesto for a net zero energy system
- Britain’s energy network companies launch new campaign for Securing A Green Future
- Open Networks’ relentless focus on innovation, delivery and Net Zero
- Open Networks Project launches Community Energy Forums to build an all-inclusive energy system
- ENA welcomes new focus on Net Zero
- Frontier Economics research into the Labour Party's Bringing Energy Home proposals (2019)
- National customer phone line celebrates third birthday
- New Interactivity and Queue Management plans make it easier for flexible energy to connect
- Nationalisation risks UK missing its Net Zero Target
- £90m energy innovation competition kicked off by energy network companies
- No-one to be left behind as the UK works toward net zero, analysis shows
- New plans make it easier for flexible energy to connect - Open Networks Project launches new consultation
- ENA response to letter from BEIS and Ofgem on the Open Networks Project
- Energy network companies stand ready to play a bigger role in energy efficiency
- Simplicity is key to unlocking the power of flexibility, says Open Networks Project
- Electricity networks empower energy innovators at the UK’s largest smart grid conference
- Key milestone agreed on the path to Net Zero
- Electricity flexibility commitment powers Britain forward towards Net Zero
- Innovation and infrastructure is key to delivering Net Zero emissions target
- Energy Networks Association welcomes plans to extend Renewable Heat Incentive
- Energy networks respond to Citizens Advice research on utility regulation
- Energy Networks Association comments on the Labour party's state ownership proposals
- Energy Networks Association backs the Committee on Climate Change’s Net Zero report
- Energy networks comment on Ofgem price control announcement
- Energy Networks Association's response for the Mail on Sunday
- Why we don’t agree with Citizens Advice
- Energy Networks Association welcomes BEIS Committee report on carbon capture, usage and storage
- Energy Networks Association comments on Labour Party's research on dividends
- Profile: Farina Farrier, Open Networks Project Manager
- Beast From The East factsheet (2019)
- Natonal Energy Action Warm & Safe Homes Guide (2018)
- A look at how we can deliver the infrastructure customers demand
- Shaping the whole electricity system of the future
- Innovating to help us achieve our better future, quicker
- Northern Powergrid's Pollywood poles could save more than 90,000 trees a year
- With a little help from our friends – WPD and National Grid join forces in the West Country
- Big Data is coming to the utility industry
- Star speakers address industry leading health and safety conference in Gateshead
- ENA welcomes £55bn decarbonisation opportunity highlighted by NIC
- ENA’s response to concerns regarding cyber-security attacks on GB energy networks
- New Energy Guide Launched to Help Communities Innovate Their Way to Smarter, Cleaner Energy System
- Gas and Electricity Innovation Strategies Released to Launch Latest Chapter in Great Britain's Energy Network Innovation Success Story
- Statement on Assessment & Design Fees charged by Distribution Network Operators
- Energy Networks Association Urges Consumers to Prepare for Beast From The East 2
- ENA response to RIIO2 price control announcement
- Energy Networks Association advise who to call if you have gas or electricity issues
- Energy Networks Association launches new Electricity Innovation Forum for Britain’s energy innovators
- UK energy networks are key to filling government policy gap on carbon budgets
- Renewables, recovery and reaching net zero
- Network companies seek feedback on future flexible market
- Transmission projects powering ahead
- Energy networks comment on SMMT's poll on electric vehicles
- World Alzheimer’s Month begins today
- Stay safe and dial before you dig, says star of Ground Force Tommy Walsh
- Dedicated community energy forum informs Flexibility consultation
- Continuing to work safely together during COVID-19
- Readying the networks for the electric vehicle revolution on #WorldEVDay
- UK's first Citizens' Assembly delivers climate recommendations
- £40m energy innovation competition begins today
- Energy networks comment on misleading smart metering claims
- Energy networks respond to PM's renewed climate change commitment
- ENA launches virtual Energy Networks Innovation Conference for 2020
- Storm Alex brings heavy rain and wind to the UK
- UK's energy networks support Prime Minister's ambition to Build Back Greener
- The Rule of Six. How the energy networks are supporting building back greener.
- World Mental Health Day 2020: Darren Cheadle, UK Power Networks
- Community energy groups help shape energy system transition
- Harnessing the power of data: accelerating to net zero
- Digging disasters: rise in injuries amongst construction workers
- Operating the networks: Developing new cyber security guidance
- Keeping you safe and your energy flowing through COVID-19
- Be alert on bonfire night
- ENA expands expertise further with new data lead
- UK’s energy networks support the Prime Minister’s call for climate action
- Energy Minister to give keynote speech at Energy Networks Innovation Conference 2020
- Grants offered for electricity generators to improve network reliability
- UK energy networks reaction: PM's 10-point plan on climate action
- UK energy networks reaction: Spending Review 2020 and National Infrastructure Strategy
- Delivering Net Zero: Winners of this year's Network Innovation Competition revealed by Ofgem
- Ofgem green-lights National Grid’s funding for net zero projects
- New Director of Innovation and Electricity Systems
- A flexible future for heat-pumps
- UK energy networks reaction to the UK's new climate target
- UK rolls out green number plates today
- Energy networks respond to Ofgem’s settlements for RIIO-2
- Energy Minister opens first virtual networks innovation conference
- UK energy networks' reaction to Sixth Carbon Budget
- #NetworksTenPointPlan - Offshore wind
- UK’s energy networks lay the foundations for the Prime Minister’s Ten Point Plan
- Energy networks comment ahead of the Climate Ambition Summit
- #NetworksTenPointPlan - Decarbonising heat and homes
- #NetworksTenPointPlan - Investing and innovating
- #NetworksTenPointPlan - Powering public transport
- #NetworksTenPointPlan - Nuclear power
- UK energy networks respond to Energy White Paper
- #NetworksTenPointPlan - Electrifying transport
- #NetworksTenPointPlan - Nurturing nature
- Networks accelerating investment for Net Zero
- #NetworksTenPointPlan - Green marine
- #NetworksTenPointPlan - Capturing carbon
- Preparing for Storm Bella
- Meet the people behind the power
- 7 things to know about the race to Net Zero emissions
- Revolutionary smart substation trial to spearhead Net Zero
- UK’s energy networks keeping you safe and your energy flowing throughout the pandemic
- How the energy networks prepare for bad weather
- Joint record hottest year reiterates need to invest in Net Zero innovation
- ENA sets out ambitious programme of work for Open Networks
- Innovating for Net Zero: New solutions to connect more renewables
- Britain’s energy networks work with Ofgem to unlock up to £300m for a green recovery
- Energy networks set to power up the Green Recovery
- National Apprenticeship Week: Opportunities in the energy networks
- Open Networks 2021 Work Plan consultation webinar held
- Shadow Minister headlines ENA event on green homes
- ENA’s Open Networks-led framework receives formal recognition from Ofgem
- New digital system map to harness the power of data to deliver Net Zero
- Networks keep energy flowing as gas demand soared 33% during Storm Darcy
- Decarbonisation and decision making: how networks can make the most of connected assets
- A look back at four years of ENA's world-leading Open Networks project
- Looking at the priorities for Open Networks in 2021
- What is flexibility in energy?
- Electricity industry powers improvement with new five-year health and safety programme
- Energy networks make it easier for companies to provide flexibility services
- National Careers Week - working at the energy networks
- Appeals regarding Ofgem's RIIO-2 Final Determination
- ENA announces new Chair for Open Networks project
- Only two weeks left to take part in energy networks’ accelerated green recovery plans
- International Women’s Day 2021: Elena Theodorou, ENA's data lead
- Energy networks respond to the Industrial Decarbonisation Strategy
- Customers, communities and the tools to decarbonise their homes
- National Grid ESO joins ENA
- Keeping energy flowing through the pandemic and beyond
- Energy networks rated 9/10 for customer service
- Energy networks comment on Labour's plans for an 'electric vehicle revolution'
- Energy networks respond to UK Government's £30m research investment
- ENA standardises approach to flexibility for GB distribution network operators
- ENA improves interactive roadmap for network companies to reach Distribution System Operation
- Energy networks respond to Pride in Energy survey
- Energy networks profile: Katharine Clench, National Grid ESO
- His Royal Highness the Duke of Edinburgh
- National Grid ESO reflect on the greenest ever day on the electricity grid
- Working together to keep everyone safe
- Energy networks ready to support world-leading climate target
- Energy Networks Innovation Conference 2021 confirmed for 12th - 15th October
- Energy Networks Association publishes Scottish Manifesto
- Green-fingered gardeners urged to stay safe in National Gardening Week
- What is Net Zero?
- ENA kicks off 2021 Community Energy Forum series with ‘Getting our networks to Net Zero’ theme
- Widening EV rollout and adoption: A networks perspective
- Mental Health Awareness Week: Keeping people safe and well
- UK’s electricity networks the smartest and most flexible in Europe
- Energy networks profile: Farina Farrier
- Energy networks back climate action in this year's Queen's Speech
- ENA yn dechrau cyfres Fforwm Ynni Cymunedol 2021 gyda’r thema ‘Cael ein rhwydweithiau i fod yn Sero Net’
- Collaborating through complexity – the future of electric vehicle infrastructure
- Energy networks response to government's six-month update on 10 point plan for climate action
- Keeping innovative ideas flowing: New one-stop-shop for network innovation launched
- The road to Net Zero is paved with network innovation
- New User Forums announced to help shape key areas of ENA’s Open Networks project
- SP Energy Networks on data and innovation: The keys to the network of the future
- Britain's energy networks and Ofgem unlock over £300 million to support a green recovery
- Green recovery: SP Energy Networks powering COP26
- Britain’s energy networks to invest over £300m in green recovery for seas, skies and streets
- Why GB networks need a common and standardised agreement for flexibility services
- Green recovery: Electricity North West and St Cuthbert’s Garden Village
- Delivering a green recovery for seas and skies
- Green recovery: Turbocharging the road to zero
- Pride and progress towards an inclusive industry
- Pushing boundaries on how to be smarter through digitalisation on the race to Net Zero
- Green recovery: Making Britain's towns and cities cleaner and greener
- UK's energy networks sign up to international Power Mission
- Applications for new User Forum to help shape key areas of ENA’s Open Networks close on Tuesday 15 June
- How a green recovery can help to power cleaner tourism
- World Environment Day: Energy networks protecting & restoring our natural environment
- A green recovery powering a renewables bonanza in communities
- Energy networks profile: Laura Dunn, SP Energy Networks
- Energy industry unites and calls on government to build back greener ahead of COP26
- Energy networks respond to Climate Change Committee's report on climate risk
- A watershed moment to deliver Net Zero
- Electricity safety film nominated for award at prestigious international festival
- COP26 and the ESO’s commitment to a greener future
- The road to Net Zero needs to be driven by national and local collaboration
- Communities for the nation; how the government beyond Westminster is delivering Net Zero
- Energy networks profile: Myfina Goddard, Wales & West Utilities
- Energy networks profile: Lynne McDonald
- Energy networks respond to Climate Change Committee's progress report
- What is the RIIO-ED2 price control and why are the draft business plans important?
- ENA’s Open Networks Risk Register: latest updates and invitation to refresher workshop
- Introducing the Open Networks project’s revised and refreshed Advisory Group
- Energy networks profile: Laura O’Donnell, Wales & West Utilities
- Slashing red tape on the road to Net Zero
- Energy networks respond to calls for more Net Zero powers for local & regional authorities
- Energy networks respond to Transport Decarbonisation Plan
- Energy networks respond to plans to boost a smarter, digitalised energy system
- Continuing to work safely during COVID-19
- Powering Net Zero as electricity networks submit their draft business plans
- New Director of Markets & Regulation
- Energy networks respond to the Future Homes Delivery Plan
- Energy networks respond to Transport Select Committee report on zero emissions vehicles
- ENA hosts second Community Energy Forum of 2021 with ‘Communities in our future energy system’ theme
- Britain breaks network flexibility record with 45% more contracted than all of 2020
- Energy networks respond to IPCC report on climate change
- Energy networks respond to CMA's provisional determination on RIIO-2 appeals
- Energy networks profile: Emily Jones, Energy Networks Association
- A ‘flexibility first’ approach: Unlocking capacity, opening markets & powering towards Net Zero
- Innovation call to support energy customers in vulnerable situations
- Energy networks seeks stakeholder views on next version of flexibility services standard agreement
- Big Brother star urges you to ‘look out, look up’ this bank holiday weekend
- Energy networks respond to Strategic Innovation Fund launched by Ofgem
- Energy networks respond to Ofgem's strategy for electric vehicles
- Power Cut emergency number reaches fifth birthday
- Energy networks respond to government plans for EV charging points in new homes
- Energy networks profile: Angela Schorah, Electricity North West
- Electricity networks driving change for electric vehicles
- Energy industry body recognised for Covid-19 response
- Former Australian Prime Minister to speak at Energy Networks Association COP26 event
- Energy networks respond to Winter Outlook reports
- New digital energy system map shows the power & potential of energy digitalisation
- Energy Networks announce further improvements to collaborative approach in 2022
- Energy networks respond to Heat and Buildings Strategy publication
- Energy networks respond to the Net Zero Strategy publication
- Energy networks respond to Budget and Spending Review
- Energy networks respond to CMA's final determination on RIIO-2 appeals
- Remember, remember, stay safe this November
- Driving decarbonisation: Collaboration and co-ordination remain vital for 2022
- Energy networks respond to government pledge for zero-emission HGVs by 2040
- Delivering decarbonisation through the DSO transition
- Prime Minister's EV charging point plan – energy networks comment
- Britain’s cow dung to help heat 750,000 homes this winter
- Storm Arwen: energy networks issue safety advice
- Power restored to around 800,000 homes hit by Storm Arwen
- Storm Arwen: latest power disruption information
- One million homes and businesses affected by storm damage to power network
- Storm Arwen: Latest at 5pm on Tuesday 30 November
- 97% of homes reconnected following Storm Arwen
- Power networks have supported more than 82,000 calls a day from customers hit by Storm Arwen
- Energy networks welcome reviews on Storm Arwen
- Britain’s energy networks announce ambitious plans for 2022 as efforts to enable Net Zero are ramped up
- Energy Networks Association launches ‘Next for Net Zero’ incubator programme
- Energy networks prepare for Storm Malik and Corrie
- Power restored to around 177,000 customers affected by storms Malik and Corrie
- ENA to host online North Sea 'supergrid' event
- National Apprenticeship Week 2022: Laura Fleming, NIE Networks
- Maxine Frerk to Chair new Energy Networks Association stakeholder engagement group
- National Apprenticeship Week: Adam Ellis-Hopwood, UK Power Networks
- Future Net Zero podcast: Flexibility is key to reaching Net Zero
- Energy networks prepare for Storms Dudley and Eunice
- Energy networks issue storm safety advice
- Britain’s energy networks mark a range of firsts in the race to Net Zero
- Energy networks prepare as red warning issued by Met Office
- 1.3m reconnected as engineers continue to fix damage from Storm Eunice
- Energy networks welcome go-ahead for 40 new innovation projects
- World-leading ENA programme marks five years of industry collaboration
- International Women's Day: Sammy-Jo Evans, UK Power Networks
- UK energy networks support efforts to power Ukraine
- Making sure that stakeholders’ voices are heard is more important than ever
- David Smith steps down from ENA
- Developing a smarter, more flexible grid requires collaboration, creativity and a customer-centric focus
- New energy networks Innovation Strategy takes inclusive, system-wide approach
- ENA response: Future System Operator announcement
- ENA response: British energy security strategy
- New energy flexibility measurement tool launched to boost visibility and consistency
- ENA response: Government unveils investment for energy technologies of the future
- ENA response: Ofgem review into local energy system operation
- ENA response: Access Significant Code Review
- ENA response: Queen's Speech 2022
- Analysis: how are the energy networks funded?
- Distribution networks propose increased energy security investment after Storm Arwen
- How the UK’s energy networks are connecting with communities
- International Women in Engineering Day: Helen Gaier-Laidlaw, SP Energy Networks
- International Women in Engineering Day: Lindelee Ross, UK Power Networks
- First-of-a-kind event for International Women in Engineering Day
- ENA response to Ofgem's RIIO-ED2 draft determinations
- ENA response to Climate Change Committee's 2022 report to Parliament
- Britain breaks flexibility records for four years running – almost 4GW tendered in 12 months
- Heatwave: Energy networks respond to first Met Office red extreme heat warning
- ENA responds to the BEIS Review of Electricity Market Arrangements
- Energy networks consult on new plans to open up flexibility markets even further
- New cross-industry Energy Innovation Summit to be held in Glasgow on 28-29 September
- Applications open to join energy industry’s diversity and inclusion taskforce
- Her Majesty, Queen Elizabeth II
- Innovation snapshot: CommuniHeat
- ENA response to the Chancellor's new Growth Plan
- Innovation snapshot: LeakVISION
- ENA launches new podcast series hosted by sustainability journalist Lucy Siegle
- “Please think of your home and family’s safety before tampering with your meter”
- Episode #2 of ENA's new Next for Net Zero podcast series is now available
- Pride in Energy announced annual survey results with 40% increase in LGBTQ+ discrimination in energy industry since 2021
- Episode #3 of ENA's new Next for Net Zero podcast series is now available
- For the energy sector, successful innovation is more important than ever
- Catch up on our new Next for Net Zero podcast series
- As the UK prepares for a fun and safe Bonfire Night, energy safety experts remind people – Bonfires, rockets and powerlines don’t mix!
- Energy network companies launch this year’s ‘Be Winter Ready’ campaign
- Episode #4 of ENA's new Next for Net Zero podcast series is now available
- Energy network companies, Citizens Advice and National Energy Action urge vulnerable customers to sign up for extra help this winter
- ENA responds to the Autumn Statement
- Debunking the energy networks’ profit rhetoric
- ENA responds to Ofgem's RIIO-ED2 announcement
- Minister for Nuclear and Networks to make keynote remarks at Energy Innovation Summit
- ENA responds to Ofgem's new rules to speed up grid connections
- How planned emergency power cuts would work if they are needed this winter
- ENA responds to the Labour Party's clean energy plans
- Great Britain reaches new record in contracted flexibility
- ENA responds to the Progress in reducing emissions 2023 report
- Energy sector LGBTQI+ survey calls for real inclusivity over ‘pinkwashing’
- DIY plans this bank holiday? Energy network operators offer top tips to stay safe
- ENA responds to Prime Minister's statements on net zero
- Update on Storm Babet
- Energy system notices explained: Know your Capacity Market Notice from your Electricity Margin Notice?
- ENA responds to the Second National Infrastructure Assessment
- ENA responds to the passing of the Energy Act 2023
- UK innovators to gather in Liverpool to discuss routes towards a net zero energy network by 2035
- ENA responds to Ofgem raising the compensation cap for households and businesses that lose power in severe weather
- Energy network operators prepare for Storm Ciarán
- Open Networks Challenge Group – Looking back on 2022
- Responding to Nick Winser's report about accelerating electricity transmission network deployment
- ENA welcomes £20bn of early investment in onshore transmission networks
- Energy flexibility programme starts new phase of work that could save billions during Net Zero transition
- How to spot a hidden danger on Bonfire fire – ‘Look out and look up'
- ENA appoints Lawrence Slade as Chief Executive
- Energy Networks Association and Ofgem call on UK innovators to help create Net Zero blueprint
- Helping Britain weather the economic storm
- ENA responds to the Net Zero Review
- 50GW made available to connect to the grid ahead of schedule
- ENA members set ambitious targets in the 2023 Open Networks plan
- ENA responds to the Autumn Statement
- ENA's 2023 Spring Budget Submission: Unlocking network investment to help transform our economy
- ENA membership
- ENA announces its new Director of Electricity Systems
- ENA responds to the creation of the Department for Energy Security and Net Zero
- New report seeks to foster closer collaboration between energy networks and local authorities
- Energy networks prepare as Storm Otto named
- Net zero mandate for Ofgem will help ensure decarbonisation can succeed, says net zero leaders
- CCC report supports ENA push for quicker action on decarbonisation
- ENA sets out industry plan to speed up grid connections and release enough capacity to decarbonise Great Britain’s power grid
- ENA responds to the NAO report 'Decarbonising the Power Sector'
- New website makes signing up to the Priority Services Register easier than ever
- Energy network operators issue safety advice as unusual amber weather warning issued
- Electricity networks reconnect 125,000 customers following Storm Henk
- Storm Henk - power cut latest
- Storm Henk – power cut latest
- Storm Henk – power cut latest
- ENA responds to the Government's 'energy revolution' announcement
- Power reconnected to all customers following Storm Henk disruption
- Lone working the next focus the electricity industry’s leading safety initiative
- ENA Open Networks project manager named a Global Future Energy Leader
- Energy network operators issue safety advice for Storm Isha
- ENA responds to the 'Beyond 2030' report
- Power reconnected to 323,000 customers after Storm Isha
- Responding to progress on plans for a new 'electricity superhighway'
- Braving the storm – Thousands of staff reconnect power to nearly 370,000 customers following Storm Isha
- ENA launches AI-powered platform to accelerate domestic connections for low-carbon technologies
- ENA responds to Energy Security Bill progress
- Power restored to majority of customers following Storm Isha
- Energy Networks Association responds to latest solar storm forecast
- Strategic Innovation is vital for keeping the UK on track towards 2050 decarbonisation goals warn energy networks
- Energy networks launch action plan to accelerate grid connections
- UK energy networks to provide more than 700 apprenticeships this year
- ENA launches its "Powering Forward" 2024 election manifesto
- ENA responds to Ofgem's comments on the grid connection process
- Connect Direct attracts 1,000 users in first month
- Energy networks publish Diversity, Equity and Inclusion (DEI) initiative case studies
- Over 130 health and safety professionals attend national conference hosted in Jersey
- New figures reveal Great Britain’s world beating energy flexibility market
- Explainer – Building new pylons in the UK
- Paying tribute to our friend and colleague Mike Leppard
- ENA responds to news Chris Stark will lead government's clean power 'Mission Control'
- ENA's response to Ofgem's RIIO-3 Sector Specific Methodology Decision
- ENA welcomes Elexon's appointment as market facilitator for local energy flexibility
- ENA's response to Ofgem's approval of Eastern Green Link 2
- ENA welcomes Ofgem's new approach to Strategic Innovation Fund
- Storm Lilian - energy networks issue storm advice
- Storm Lilian - latest update
- ENA welcomes flexibility market facilitator Elexon as new Open Networks Challenge Group Chair
- Half of survey respondents have experienced or witnessed LGBTQI+ discrimination in the UK energy workplace
- Energy networks lay to rest 10GW of “zombie” connection projects
- Energy Minister to give keynote speech at Energy Innovation Summit
- ENA’s Connect Direct passes 15,000 applications as the project enters its next phase
- Energy network operators issue storm advice ahead of strong winds this weekend
- Energy networks provide winter preparedness guidance
- ENA's response to NESO's Clean Power 2030 pathway
- ENA's response to Ofgem's framework consultation: electricity distribution price control (ED3)
- A letter from Maxine Frerk: Moving On
- ENA Connections Blog: Latest figures show the rapid pace of grid connections by networks
- Electricity networks prepare for Storm Bert
- Storm Darragh - electricity networks issue safety advice as red warning issued by Met Office
- Electricity networks issue safety advice ahead of Storm Darragh
- Storm Darragh updates
- Electricity networks work to reconnect remaining customers following Storm Darragh
- ENA Connections Blog: Reflecting on a year of progress
- Energy networks respond to government's clean power action plan announcement
- ENA Connect Direct platform celebrates its one year anniversary
- Electricity networks prepare for Storm Éowyn
- ENA Connections Blog: putting customers first in a year of reforms
- Storm Éowyn power cut information
- ENA and Ofgem invite innovators to take part in Energy Innovation Basecamp
- 400+ electricity engineers redeployed across the UK to support Storm Éowyn reconnection work
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