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Collaborating for local net zero

Network operators are supporting local authorities to develop and deliver local net zero plans and projects.

Find out more about local authority and network collaboration, download our ‘Collaborating for local net zero planning and delivery’ report.

We’re putting customers first as we shape the energy system of the future.. We want local authorities to join us on this journey, sharing your net zero plans and having your say on how the energy system should evolve to meet local needs.

You can find more information about how the energy networks are managing plans and projects below.

  • National Priorities & Collaboration

    Our customers have told us that tackling the climate crisis is one of their highest priorities. That’s why facilitating net zero carbon emissions targets by 2050 is central to all utilities.

    Local government, including county, district, borough and combined authorities are already playing a critical role in delivering net zero. Their local energy planning, investment and leadership is driving the roll-out of the low carbon technologies that will help meet decarbonisation targets, with many local authorities now developing local energy plans. 

    Energy networks are also at the centre of this change. The electricity and gas networks recognise the instrumental role that we have in facilitating local decarbonisation plans. To transition the energy system, we need to efficiently plan for the network of the future.

    None of us can do this alone – collaboration between energy networks and local authorities is key to delivering net zero. By working together, we can accurately forecast where and when we should invest in energy infrastructure needs to support the local delivery of low carbon technologies.


  • Working together for local net zero planning and delivery

    Together, we are working to support local authorities’ net zero planning and to understand what it means for the future use of our networks. In September 2023, the ENA Whole System Delivery Group partnered with Regen to run a series of interview and focus groups with local authorities to explore their relationships with energy networks. You can read the summary of their findings in Regen’s stakeholder engagement report.

    This project also informs the ‘Working together for local net zero planning and delivery’ report, which sets out how local authorities and energy networks currently work together to facilitate net zero and potential next steps to foster further effective collaboration.




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