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Electricity network operators and landowners join an agreement called a Wayleave Agreement for the network operator’s use of a specific piece of land.

Tractor in a field

There are many different types of equipment that network operators use to transport electricity across the country which are located on privately-owned land:

  • cables
  • poles
  • power lines
  • mini pillar
  • steel tower

Wayleave Agreements govern network operators’ use of a specific piece of land to install, access and operate equipment in a reliable and safe way. Landowners are entitled to an annual payment of rent or compensation under the agreement terms.

Wayleave payments are intended to reflect the type of equipment and impact on the land. The landowner will be paid annually in arrears and the payment will be for rent. Compensation can be paid if the equipment is deemed to interfere with agricultural operations.

Wayleave contacts

If you have a wayleaves query, then you will need to contact the wayleave officer at your local electricity network operator. If you're unsure, you can use our Who's my network operator? tool to find out who your local operator is.

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