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Demand-side services

Demand-side services encourage a change in energy demand by consumers. Consumers participate in response to factors like incentive pricing, tariff schemes, greater awareness and an increased sense of responsibility.

Consumers agree to be involved, but their participation may involve either active behavioural changes or passive responses, through the use of automation.

Demand-response services are an important instrument for increasing the flexibility of the internal energy market and for enabling optimal use of networks.

Historically, generation facilities have formed the backbone of providing technical capabilities to network operators. However, demand facilities are expected to play a pivotal role in the future.

  • European Network Code for Demand Connection (DCC)

    The European Network Code for Demand Connection (DCC) specifically sets technical standards for the connection of:

    • new transmission-connected demand facilities
    • new transmission-connected distribution facilities
    • newdistribution systems, including new closed distribution systems

    DCC also addresses the performance requirements for new demand units used by a demand facility or a closed distribution system to provide demand response services to relevant network operators.

    The elements of the DCC relating to connection of demand to the transmission system are reflected in the Grid Code, but have no impact for customers connected to distribution systems.

  • Demand-response services

    The DCC deals with five demand response services:

    • the modulation of real or reactive power for controlling flows of electricity on distribution networks
    • transmission constraint management
    • frequency control

    The services relating to flow control on distribution networks are outlined in the Distribution Code and its supporting documents. The other set of services are specified by National Grid in National Grid service documentation.

    A demand unit is a device that can be controlled in accordance with the contract for demand side services within the demand facility. Demand units installed and commissioned before 18 August 2019 are not required to comply with the DCC.

  • New Distribution and Planning Connection Code 9 (DPC9)

    A new Distribution and Planning Connection Code 9 (DPC9) (and associated definitions) has been added to a revised GB Distribution Code to implement the DCC. DPC9 applies to Demand Services Providers and Customers (both in their own right and acting as Demand Services Providers) in relation to the Demand Units that are providing any of the demand side services defined in DPC9.2. Our Demand Response Unit Document and the Installation Document provides guidance on the definitions and application requirements and process.

    Distribution connected parties can provide demand side response services to National Grid, but in doing so they will be bound by National Grid’s contractual and technical requirements.

    As described above, demand sides services for DNOs relating to the modulation of active power (demand) or reactive power are covered by the DCC. However the DCC only applies to those services that are procured by DNOs from new demand units.

  • Demand facility

    The DCC introduces concepts of a demand facility and the demand unit. A demand facility is a customer’s installation where the customer has arranged all or part of their demand to be modulated/varied as a service to network operator to help balance the network demand. Services to parties other than network operators (e.g. energy suppliers) are not covered by the DCC.

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