We expect storage projects to exponentially grow over the long term and become a key part of the UK and Ireland’s energy infrastructure.
Ofgem has approved modifications removing the exclusion of storage at transmission voltages (GCode). Storage now falls under Generation within the Distribution Code (DCode). We are working to align current DCode requirements with the changes to GCode and you can follow our progress.
Storage Working Group
Through Working Groups action, we aim ;to provide a consistent approach across the range of DCode storage documents and facilitate our Distribution Network Operators (DNOs) in improved planning across the network in the medium to long term future.
Areas for consideration include:
- Required modifications to existing DCode documents
- Vehicle-to-grid charging
- The import and export of energy to the grid
Distribution guidance note
Electricity storage, including battery storage, is considered to fall within the definition of non-intermittent generation as set out in Appendix 1 of the DNO distribution charging statements. DNOs have produced a Distribution Guidance Note for Storage to assist with this definition. Find this and related documents in our Resource library.
Storage Connection Process
A partnership between ENA, DNOs and Generators has developed a set of technical requirements for the connection of energy storage devices to the network known as Engineering Recommendations G98 and G99.
Visit our Connecting to the networks page and the DCode website for more about this process.