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Whole energy systems

The way we all think about and use our energy is changing, as we reduce our carbon emissions to help tackle climate change.

ENA Whole energy systems
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Open Networks 2017-2022 (Archived) :
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Open Networks 2017-2022 (Archived):

This page has been archived and is no longer updated. We've retained it on our website for your reference.


By bringing together electricity and gas members, along with stakeholders such as local authorities, Open Networks is the first industry project to consider how electricity and gas networks can work more efficiently.

Developing a more efficient approach by considering how electricity and gas networks can work together better

The way we all think about and use our energy is changing, as we reduce our carbon emissions to help tackle climate change. By considering whole energy systems, we are looking to save consumers money by using the most efficient and cost-effective energy for network needs.

This means developing a range of options for clean energy in all its various uses (including electricity, transport and gas) and fitting them together in the best combinations to deliver value for business and consumers, as well as keeping the energy flowing. This is known as a whole energy system approach.

As Britain looks ahead to the 2050 net zero emissions target (2045 in Scotland), considering efficiencies in the whole system will help us to achieve to ensure that the best decisions are made for the public and the environment. 

Things we're doing this year

We are continuing to deliver benefits for consumers by realising more cost-effective network investment and operation across gas and electricity networks.  The project has identified four key areas for development, one of which will continue from 2021:

  • Further developing the Whole system Cost Benefit Analysis (WS CBA) tool based on stakeholder feedback and clarifying the interactions between CEM (WS1A P1) and WS CBA
  • Implementing a whole system optioneering service for Local Authorities to inform local development plans
  • Shaping Local Area Energy Planning (LAEP) by co-ordinating input from gas and electricity networks into Ofgem, BEIS and Energy Systems Catapult initiatives in the development of frameworks and tools
  • Monitoring innovation projects relevant to Whole Systems, from across the industry to collate and disseminate outputs and learnings

More information on these areas and their progress can be found in the Resource library.

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Open Networks 2017-2022 (Archived):
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Open Networks 2017-2022 (Archived) :